Dr Walker offers a wide variety of comprehensive gastroenterological services. Outpatient consulting is provided in our private rooms at the Gold Coast Private Hospital Specialists Suites in Southport. Inpatient consultation is offered at the Gold Coast Private and Pindara Private Hospitals. Dr Walker offers a broad base of expertise in endoscopic work, including diagnostic and open access gastroscopy and colonoscopy and bowel cancer screening. He has a special interest, with extensive experience, in therapeutic endoscopy including mucosal resection (removal of large precancerous lesions), ERCP and endoscopic ultrasound.
Please follow the links on the patient information page to discover more about the services offered.
Or visit our clinic at Gold Coast Private Hospital, Suite 8, Ground Floor, 14 Hill Street, Southport QLD 4215
Gold Coast Private Hospital
Suite 8, Ground Floor
14 Hill Street, Southport QLD 4215
Parking stations are accessed from Innovation Drive (off Parklands Drive). There are additionally 20 minute drop-off zones for your convenience. For more information on parking and transport options, please
click here.
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