Dr Walker offers a wide variety of comprehensive gastroenterological services. Outpatient consulting is available in our private rooms at the Gold Coast Private Hospital. He conducts consultations from Suite 8, Gold Coast Private. Inpatient consultation is offered at the Gold Coast Private and Pindara Private Hospitals.
Please follow the links on the patient information page to discover more about the services offered.
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What is an ERCP?
Why have an ERCP?
- Tumours
- Gallstones that form in the gallbladder and become stuck in the ducts
- Inflammation due to trauma or illness, such as pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas
- Infection
- Muscles in the ducts, called sphincters, that won’t open properly
- Scarring of the ducts
What are the risks?
About 1 in 20 (5%) people will develop pancreatitis following an ERCP. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas which causes it to become swollen and painful. Most pancreatitis will settle within 48 hours and may require a short stay in the hospital for observation. Rarely (less than 1 in 200), it may be more severe requiring a longer hospital stay and potentially an intensive care admission or surgery. Very rarely, severe pancreatitis may be fatal.
If a sphincterotomy is performed less than 1 in 100 (<1%) people will develop significant bleeding. Bleeding can usually be stopped at the time of the procedure. Occasionally this may require repeat ERCP to treat the bleed, a blood transfusion, and/or rarely, a special x-ray procedure or an operation.
Less than 1 in 200 people will accidentally get a hole (perforation) to the bowel. If this was to occur, this may be repaired with small clips during the procedure, or may require an operation to repair the hole. Infection may occur, especially if there is a blocked bile duct that can not be drained.
What are you responsible for?
You are less at risk of problems if you do the following:
- Follow the preparation instructions carefully.
- Bring a list of all prescribed, over the counter and herbal medication you take.
- Bring any relevant x-rays.
- Do not drink any alcohol and/or take recreational drugs 24 hours before the procedure.
- Please ensure you make arrangements for someone to drive you home after the procedure. It is not safe to drive until the following day after having sedation or an anaesthetic.
What happens after the ERCP?
Do NOT drive any type of vehicle or operate machinery until the next day.
Do NOT drink alcohol and/or take other recreational drugs. They may react with the sedation drugs.
Do NOT make important decisions or sign a legal document for the first 24 hours.
Have an adult with you on the first night after your gastroscopy.
Notify Dr Walker’s rooms on 5574 6133 during working hours or the hospital Emergency Department straight away if you have:
• severe ongoing abdominal pain.
• black tarry motions or bleeding from the back passage.
• a fever.
• sharp chest or throat pain.
What if I don’t have the procedure?
Are there other tests I can have instead?
Or visit our clinic at Gold Coast Private Hospital, Suite 8, Ground Floor, 14 Hill Street, Southport QLD 4215
Gold Coast Private Hospital
Suite 8, Ground Floor
14 Hill Street, Southport QLD 4215
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