Dr Walker offers a wide variety of comprehensive gastroenterological services. Outpatient consulting is provided in our private rooms at the Gold Coast Private Hospital Specialists Suites in Southport. Inpatient consultation is offered at the Gold Coast Private and Pindara Private Hospitals.
Please follow the links on the patient information page to discover more about the services offered.
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POST-INITIAL PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) INSERTION CARE
Immediate Care
- Monitor vitals (Temp, HR, BP), and wound (haemorrhage) every 30min for 2 hours.
- Nil by mouth and PEG for 6 hours.
- Water only at 25-50ml/hr via PEG for 6 hours
- Don’t reposition PEG bumper or dressings until following morning
Ongoing Wound Care
- Use N/Saline to clean during first 2 days.
- After 2 days, cleaning with soap & water is sufficient. Dry thoroughly.
- Rotate the external bumper and tube daily, to prevent pressure and adherence.
Ongoing Care
- Ensure sitting up or head elevated during feeds to reduce risk of aspiration.
- Flush PEG with ~30ml water before and after feeds and medications.
- If continuous administration of feeds, the PEG should be flushed with water every 4 hours.
- If PEG becomes blocked then aspirate and flush with warm water or soda water. Do NOT use coca-cola.
- Do not attempt to clear the tube by inserting any mechanical object.
- If the PEG is removed accidentally then REPLACE IMMEDIATELY using a Foley catheter and contact Dr Walker. This will keep the PEG tract patent until I can replace the PEG.
- Contact Dr Walker if the PEG site is looking inflamed.
- Contact Dr Walker if there are any other concerns.
Or visit our clinic at Gold Coast Private Hospital, Suite 8, Ground Floor, 14 Hill Street, Southport QLD 4215
Gold Coast Private Hospital
Suite 8, Ground Floor
14 Hill Street, Southport QLD 4215
Parking stations are accessed from Innovation Drive (off Parklands Drive). There are additionally 20 minute drop-off zones for your convenience. For more information on parking and transport options, please
click here.
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